Logistic Regression Model

Since we were investigating the prevelance and trend in vaping among NYC’s youth, we were interested in predicting current_vaping. We began our model building process considering 17 predictors, and employed three different methods:

Manuel Method

First, we attempted to find a predictive model by using a variation on stepwise/automatic procedures (by hand). We utilized p-values and prediction accuracy as our guidance for which predictors to choose, starting with the full model.

In the end, this process came up with the following possible model:

Model 1

current_vaping ~ sad_hopeless + attempted_suicide + safety_concerns_at_school + illegal_injected_drug_use + physical_fighting + bullying_electronically + carring_weapon + sex_before_13

Step AIC Model

Considering the large number of predictor candidates in our model, we decided to take advantage of the existing modern computational power and use the stepwise regression method to come up with a model. We used the AIC criterion, a goodness of fit measure that helps to avoid overfitting. It also circumvents the big p value problem introduced by our potentially highly correlated predictor candidates. The actual function used is the StepAIC function from the MASS package.

The formula generated by the function is as follows:

Model 2

current_vaping ~ carring_weapon + sad_hopeless + attempted_suicide + safety_concerns_at_school + physical_fighting + bullying_electronically + age + race7 + illegal_injected_drug_use + sexual_contact_2


The motivation behind using the LASSO method is that we have a lot of potential predictors available and we cannot (and do not want to) to do an exhaustive search manually. LASSO is a shinkage method that avoids overfitting and help with variable selection. These advantages make LASSO one of the most popular methods in regression problem settings. In our study we chose the penalty parameter lamda based on the cross-validation error. Then we used the optimal lamda to rerun the LASSO again to get our final model.

In the end the final model from LASSO is the following:

Model 3:

current_vaping ~ age + sex + race7 + sad_hopeless + attempted_suicide + injurious_suicide_attempt + safety_concerns_at_school + physical_fighting + bullying_electronically + illegal_injected_drug_use + carring_weapon + sex_before_13 + current_sexual_activity

The LASSO model has tunning paramter lamda equals 0.005 and the model contains more covariates than the above two models since LASSO putting shringkage on the coefficient of each covariate and thus will include more covariates (remember that LASSO will automatically do the variable selection).

Model Selection

Picking the “best” Model

At this point we had three predictive models. In order to decide which of them is the “best” one, we employed the cross-validation prediction accuracy as our criterion. The prediction accuracy is calculated as the proportion of correct predictions made by the model.

To perform the cross-validation in a compact and well-integrated manner, we coded our model selection process as robust functions that can be mapped to a modlr cv object by purrr to streamline the cross-validation process. We conducted a 5 fold 10 times CV on the three models.

According to the violin plot, which shows the distribution of prediction accuracy, the model that was generated by stepAIC (StepAIC model) has an accuracy of about 1% better than the accuracy of the model generated by lasso (Lasso model) and an accuracy of about 2% better than the model generated by the manual selection (Manual model) method. Therefore, we picked the stepAIC model as our finial model.

Model applied to 2017 Data

Subsequently, we used all three models to predict the vaping status of teenagers in 2017. As can be seen in the table below, the StepAIC model also performed best among the three models considered, giving a more than 87% accuracy rate.

In conclusion, the final logistic regression model (StepAIC model) has the following formulae:

current_vaping ~ carring_weapon + sad_hopeless + attempted_suicide + safety_concerns_at_school + physical_fighting + bullying_electronically + age + race7 + illegal_injected_drug_use + sexual_contact_2